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February 20, 2024

December 5, 2023

5 Benefits of Virtual Therapy for Overwhelmed Moms

5 Benefits of Virtual Therapy for Overwhelmed Moms

Moms are struggling with mental health, the mental load, and the weight of pressure to do it all. Therapy can help–but when moms are already at capacity, traditional sessions might add more mental labor. Can virtual therapy help overwhelmed moms prioritize their mental health without adding to the load? 

We’re living in a maternal mental health crisis, with record-high numbers of maternal depression and anxiety. Between added labor brought on by the pandemic that hasn’t gone away, financial and economic uncertainty, and an ever-increasing mental load, moms have a lot on their plates. 

Mothers need mental health support–but navigating therapy doesn’t come without its barriers, especially for moms.

Finding childcare, juggling schedules, packing baby bags, dropping little ones off with caregivers, and coordinating commutes to and from the office–all of these tasks come with more planning, scheduling, and mental labor–the last thing overwhelmed moms need! 

(Not to mention doing all of this work, only to feel let down by providers who invalidate or dismiss their struggles because they aren’t trained or experienced in maternal mental health and the nuanced challenges of this season of life!)  

When moms are already swamped and struggling, they need easier, accessible mental health solutions that help remove labor from their plates instead of piling more on. 

Fortunately, in a world that was forced to embrace the digital age in a whole new way, moms have a new option–virtual therapy. While teletherapy has existed for a long time, it wasn’t nearly as common. But that has changed–and that’s a good thing for busy parents. 

Read on to discover five benefits of virtual therapy for overwhelmed moms! 

1. Research Confirms that Virtual Therapy is Effective

The idea of virtual therapy can feel strange–can someone actually help you without being in the room? But rest assured, studies consistently show that virtual therapy is just as effective as in-person sessions. 

What matters most isn’t whether your therapist is in the room with you–it’s the connection you have! Strong therapy-client relationships can be fostered and maintained through virtual platforms, giving you the same quality level of support you need for your mental health. 

2. Flexible Scheduling Helps Overwhelmed Moms Prioritize Mental Health

Whether you’re in the throes of postpartum and juggling appointments for everyone else, or your children are older and attending school events and extracurriculars, mom life is hectic. It can be hard to prioritize therapy when you’re already overwhelmed with drop-offs, practices, and performances. 

But virtual therapy offers a lifeline for time-strapped moms. The flexibility of virtual sessions eliminates commute time and allows moms to schedule appointments around work, naptime, school pick-ups, or any other commitments. 

You can even join from anywhere, as long as you have privacy (hello, peaceful quiet car) and an internet connection!  That makes it easier to put yourself on the priority list and schedule sessions that work for you. 

3. Virtual Therapy Reduces the Need for Childcare and Planning

One of the biggest barriers moms face with scheduling therapy is the need for childcare. Not only does childcare potentially cost extra money, but it requires planning, packing bags, and mental labor that just adds more to the plate for overwhelmed moms, leaving them wondering whether therapy is worth it. 

But with virtual therapy, you can participate in sessions from home, allowing you to still be present if needed. (You can even breastfeed during your session!) 

With at-home virtual therapy, it’s much easier to build therapy into your regular routine without adding the hassle of finding childcare. 

4. The Comfort of Your Own Home Provides Peace

Virtual therapy also means you can engage in your sessions in your own space–which already feels comfortable to you (and no need to change out of your leggings or your shirt that might or might not have spit-up on it!) 

You can create a therapeutic space in your own environment, allowing you to feel relaxed, safe, and secure and providing a foundation for effective therapy communication. 

Attending therapy from home also allows space for you to invite your partner or other support people to join your sessions. Bringing in support people can often help moms feel more empowered to share what they are going through or advocate for their needs. 

5. Virtual Therapy Makes it Easier to Find Maternal Mental Health Specialists

Finding a therapist who specializes in maternal mental health can be challenging, especially in certain geographical areas. It isn’t always easy to locate a therapist who understands the unique challenges of motherhood and is trained to support moms. 

Virtual therapy breaks down these geographical barriers, making it easier for overwhelmed moms to connect with specialists who have training and experience in maternal mental healthcare. This increased accessibility means moms can receive targeted support tailored to their specific needs, from relationship challenges to postpartum depression to anxiety and mom burnout. 

The Takeaway

Virtual therapy provides a safe and effective way for overwhelmed moms to care for their mental health without adding more mental labor.

Moms benefit from flexible schedules, the ability to take sessions from anywhere, and easier access to qualified professionals who understand what they’re going through. 

If you’re interested in virtual mom therapy, our specialists are here to help! Book a FREE 15 minute virtual consult with one of our mom therapists today to get started. 


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