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Download Our New Guide: How to Cope with Noise in Motherhood Guide!


How much does virtual therapy
cost at Momwell?

Between fees and navigating your benefits or insurance coverage, therapy pricing can sometimes be confusing. But at Momwell, we strive to be as clear and upfront with our pricing as possible, so you can make the best decisions for your mental health care.

Momwell services to meet every budget

Our mission is to empower moms everywhere with the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to tackle the challenges of motherhood. We offer services accessible to all moms:


One-on-one therapy for moms


Self-paced resources ranging from $47-97

Free Resources

Podcast episodes, blog posts, and other freebies
Momwell virtual therapy pricing

What can I expect to pay?

Momwell therapy is priced per session–each of our therapists set their own prices in alignment with the market rate for therapy in their area. Fees vary based on each therapist's education and level of experience.

We want you to receive the care you need, but we know that finances are often a barrier for clients to seek therapy support. That's why we offer flexible treatment planning that can be tailored to your budget. Our therapists will work with you to form a plan that fits both your mental health goals and financial needs.


PhD level therapist


Masters level therapist
On average, our clients need 6-10 sessions depending on their individual needs.
Your therapist will provide you with your rate per session during your free consultation.



Free 15 minute virtual consultation

The process starts with a 15 minute virtual consultation with a mom therapist to assess your needs and determine the right fit for you.


Book your first

After your consultation, you'll book your first official session. The average course of therapy is between 6-10 sessions depending on your needs.


Maintain ongoing support

At Momwell, we believe in lasting care relationships. Even after your initial course of therapy is complete, feel free to reach out for additional sessions whenever you need.
Understanding Therapist Qualifications

What is the difference in therapist designations?

Our team is a mixture of registered psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers.
registered psychologists OR PHD LEVEL THERAPISTS have a doctorate degree and can assess and diagnose, and provide therapy.
psychotherapists, counselors, and social workers  are usually master-level therapists who provide therapy with clients and do not diagnose.
*Our therapists also do not write letters for court or other legal matters.

Ready to book your FREE therapy consult with a mom therapist near you?


How do I pay?
You will be required to add valid payment to your account when booking your first paid session. Payment will be processed at the end of each session using the card on file and an invoice will be emailed.
Do you bill insurance?
We do not bill insurance directly. We will provide you with an invoice that can be submitted to your benefits provider or insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. We do not guarantee that you will be reimbursed by your benefits or insurance for virtual therapy as each plan and policy is different.
Does my insurance cover virtual therapy?

Each person’s insurance or benefits coverage is different and therefore we can’t make any guarantees that virtual therapy services are covered.


To better understand your insurance/benefits coverage, it is important to call your insurance provider and ask:

● What mental health professionals you are covered to see? (Psychologists? Psychotherapists? Social workers?)

● What amount you are covered for each year?

● What percentage is covered each visit?

● Are virtual therapy services covered under your plan?


Our team is a mixture of registered psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers. To better understand their designation or discuss invoicing, please book a free 15 minute consult.

When will I find out my total estimated therapy cost?

Under the No Surprises Act (H.R. 133 - effective January 1, 2022), we are required to notify you of your federally protect rights against “surprise billing.” This act requires healthcare providers who do not bill insurance to provide consumers with a Good Faith Estimate showing the costs of services you can reasonably expect for your healthcare needs.

You will receive a Good Faith Estimate before your first paid session. This will provide you with your therapists hourly rate and the average duration of treatment. A Good Faith Estimate is for your awareness only and does not require immediate financial commitment or payment. You will be billed through the portal after each therapy session.